Last Night Was Incredible

We finally got dsl at home. (Skies part, angel choruses sing, etc.) Unfortunately I was too busy doing homework to blog. It was beautiful though. Instead of watching reruns of Seinfeld and South Park while doing homework I was able to catch up on my 30 Rock and watch the first episode of Celebrity Apprentice. It's hard for me to believe that Omarosa can really treat people the way she does and still be respected. I'm gonna assume the producers have chosen her to be "the bitchy one" and just cut the episodes to make it look worse than it actually is.

School this morning. Work after school. Home for a quick dinner. Back to school tonight. Tuesday's are my long days.

I know I keep promising more thoughtful posts. So consider this another promise. There should be some spare minutes at home when I can take some time. Also, I'm considering starting a blog called "Reflections of a Church Plant" or something like that, and trying to memorialize my experience over the last 6+ years with Cedar Hills. I got as far as creating the blog and I have several posts outlined.


  1. yah for the internet...too bad I don't have a built in cam for the mug shot site or else I'd have something else to occupy all my time...


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