the newest extreme sport - spitboxing

there are a handful of blogs that i look forward to everytime my homepage pops up. (see list at right) my great days start when i see a fresh link under my favorite titles. when there's no new material, i'll be checking back every few minutes until one arrives. one of my new favorites is spitbox. it's a blogzine compiled by a couple guys who apparently have more time to read blogs than i do and yet still manage to be productive members of their respective communities. what they do is scour the internet (yes, all of it) finding the best of the christ-centered-but-not-overly-serious-and-religious blogosphere. they do a great job and it's my new first-look.

and they update this thing more often than i wonder if i'm gonna have to pay for my own lunch today. it's a must read for anyone interested in anything!

and please email if you want to buy me lunch today.


  1. cool blog. Did you see the demographics map that they linked to.


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