Hump Day

I spent yesterday at home, sick and sleeping. Today I feel a bit better but I'll still be bugging out soon as the energy level is falling quickly. I did have a joyous arrival at the office today. I was greeted by 2 packages: one from ICN containing a 500G hard drive (thanks Don) and the other from containing a Phonic Helix 18 Channel Firewire mixing board and a pair of Shure E3 headphones. The rest of the morning's been slightly anti-climactic as the Phonic board is not interfacing simply with the copy of Cubase LE that came with it. Drag! I'll get'er figured out though. In between installing and trying to work with those, I've been learning Under The Bridge by the Red Hot Chili Peppers for Sunday morning. Cedar Hills is in the middle of a rock and roll series in which we listen to a popular song and then talk about what the bible has to say about its themes. Under the Bridge is the song for this week and is proving to be a bit more challenging than I expected, at least to play it well. I should have it by Sunday though.


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