upon further review...

i found the previous post's video to be more crass than originally noted. the video was hilarious, and yet riddled with sexual commentary that may be considered sub-appropriate, depending on your personal convictions inr egards to these matters.

anyway, just wanted to warn you.

incidentally, i had a great conversation with jen last night where we discussed our priorities and standards (actually, my priorities and standards) in regards to, specifically but not limited to, what i choose to watch online, on tv, in a movie, etc. jen feels that my standards have fallen and that i would be wise to reevaluate said standards. the real questions is, what sort of criteria can one use to define such standards? for me, the days of simply avoiding the big four-letter words are gone, but are there benchmarks that can replace the old black and whiteness that is so simple to spot?

in your life in regards to music you listen to, movies you watch, youtube entries you pass along, and tv shows that you tivo, how do you determine whether it is worth your time or not? and especially in times when values conflict (humor and appropriateness for example) how funny does something have to be to make the crassness okay? how inappropriate does something have to be to override the comedy?


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    honestly, I'm so sick of all the relationships that i've seen fail lately that I would rather fall on the side of caution on a lot of sex related stuff. It's just not worth it. cussing still doesn't get to me, because I get that at work all day, but I just started asking myself, "would i want my kids to watch/hear this?" I'm not trying to be legalistic, I'm just trying to protect myself.

  2. man, that's a great idea. i'll definitely have to work up to that, but i really like the idea of only watching things that i would want Ani watching. i'm with you on staying away from sexual scenes too. it's the joking that really gets me right now.

  3. How would you define this line when applying to joking? When does the comedic value get too crass? I think that this line would be mostly defined by the people you are telling the joke too, up to a certain point anyway. Where this, point, is I don't know. I know that it has been said that "the gateway to your heart is through you mouth". I don't know who said it but it makes sense that what we said can reflect the condition of our heart.

  4. Another thought. When I think about my first comment. I realize that if I think this way(what I say reflects the condition of my heart) then I see that I am indeed a mess and not in as good of condition as I thought.


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